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MegaCalendar Documentation

MegaCalendar Views Examples

Here are previews for all the default layouts from MegaCalendar. (You can also customize any of the following layouts with custom css, template replacement, or even custom query and lay out your events any way you’d like through traditional template development.) Calendar View Standard Event List Simple Event List Compact

Dealing with expired Access Tokens

General Information If there is no traffic to a website at all for longer than a month you may see the following error: “ApiException Thrown: ERROR: The Token has expired on YYYY-MM-DD”. This occurs because of a combination of how we authenticate your requests to our API, and how WordPress

Filter Hooks

MegaCalendar’s list of available filter hooks for use in custom theme development

Instance Methods

The functions here are available for you to use for custom development in your theme as needed, however they all need to be accessed through the plugin instance. Start here if you are looking to interact with the plugin in your own custom page templates.

Action Hooks

MegaCalendar’s list of available action hooks for use in custom theme development

MegaCalendar API: PHP Wrapper

Detailed technical documentation outlining how to interact directly with the MegaCalendar API through the included API wrapper

Template Functions

The MegaCalendar plugin exposes a number of functions for use in custom theme development

Custom Queries

Information about writing custom Event queries for use in your own page templates

Override Theme Files

Developers are able to access MegaCalendar information for use in custom built theme templates